The Postcard Press accepts submissions of up to 100 words (prose) and up to 10 lines (poetry) via email at thepostcardpress@gmail.com. Please follow the instructions below to ensure that your submission reaches us and is correctly categorized:

  1. The subject of your email should read “SUBMISSION [Theme] [Your last name]”.
  2. Type or paste the full text of your piece, with title, into the body of the email.
  3. Insert one to two blank spaces, then type your name, the email address to which the response to your piece should be directed, a phone number at which you can be reached, a one-sentence (25 words or less) bio, and the address of your blog or personal website if you would like it to be published along with your submission, if accepted.

The Postcard Press will consider up to three submissions per theme per author.

The Postcard Press does not currently accept photographs, artwork, or jokes.

We do not publish material which could be considered discriminatory, defamatory, or pornographic.


We are closed to new submissions as of 3/23/2013. We will announce new themes on this page when we reopen to submissions. We are currently considering work submitted for the “What I Like Second Best” theme; we have responded to all other submissions.


We offer our authors 15 copies of the issue in which they’re published.